This command allows you to specify properties for the Context Window. The Context Window tracks what you select and type in text windows, as well as what files you select in the Project Window, Relation Window, and Clip Window.
Show all matches on the current symbol
Select this to have the Context Window show a complete list of all symbol matches in its list. If you have multiple definitions with the same name, then they will all appear in the list.
Show only the first symbol match
Select this to show only first matching symbol’s definition. If you often have symbols that are defined in more than one place but are essentially the same thing, then you might want to turn on this radio button.
Show base types for data structure variables
Check this to have Source Insight decode variable declarations and try to locate base structure-type definitions (i.e. structs, unions, classes, etc.).
For example:
struct S { int x; }; struct S *psvar; psvar->...
If you select inside of psvar, then Source Insight will look at the declaration of psvar, see that it is a pointer to struct S, and then show you the declaration of struct S.
Uncheck this option to simply show the declaration of the each variable, without walking up the declaration hierarchy.
Show line numbers
Makes line numbers visible in the Context Window.
Tracking Options
Click this button to view the Symbol Tracking Options dialog box, which displays options that guide what the Context Window will pay attention to.
Specifies the font used to display symbol lists and source code in the Context Window. If the Context Window is currently showing a list, then this specifies the list font. If the Context Window is currently showing a source file, then this specifies the source code font.
Text Color
Specifies the text color of list items in the Context Window. The colors of source code are determined by the Syntax Formatting options in the Preferences dialog box.
Back Color
Specifies the background color of list items in the Context Window. The colors of source code are determined by the Syntax Formatting options in the Preferences dialog box.
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