Relation Window Properties Dialog Box
Font , Text Color , Back Color
Click on these to select the font, text color, and background color, respectively, of the Relation Window. These apply to the outline view only.
Click on this button to open the Relation Graph Properties dialog box. From there, you can adjust the options for the graph view of the Relation Window.
Automatic Symbol Tracking
Click the Tracking Options button to control what the Relation Window tracks. It can track the symbol that appears under the cursor, or it can track the enclosing function or data structure where the selection is located.
Automatic Expansion Options
This section specifies how deep the Relation Window should expand automatically. You can override this on an individual basis by right-clicking on a node in the Relation Window and selecting Expand Special.
The number of levels to expand below the root node.
Expand duplicate branches
Enable this to expand duplicate child branches, even if they have already been expanded earlier. If this is disabled, then duplicate children are inserted in a collapsed state.
View Relationship Group
This group specifies the relationship expanding rules the Relation Window uses when it tracks symbols of different types.
View Relationship
The relationship shown depends on the type of symbol. You can specify what relationship is shown for different symbol types. For example, you could set the relationship viewed for functions to “Calls”, and the relationship viewed for classes to “Inheritance”. Thus, when you select a function, the Relation Window shows a call tree, and when you select a class name, the Relation Window shows the class inheritance hierarchy. See also “Relationship Rules”.
Group multiple references into one item
When the Relation Window is showing a “references” type of relationship, you can enable this to suppress duplicate references from inside the same object. For example, if function B is called three times from inside of function A, only the first reference from function A will be listed. If you disable this option, then all three references will be listed as three separate nodes.
Disabling this will provide more reference information. In the graph views, the multiple references are displayed nicely inside of a single graph node, making it easy to see how the references are concentrated among objects.
Call Graph Filtering
Click this button to use the Call Graph Filter dialog box. This allows you to control what symbols participate in the call tree calculation. See also “Call Graph Filter”.
Symbol Types
Click this button to view the Symbol Type Filter dialog box. This allows you to filter out specific types of symbols from the Relation Window output. See also “Symbol Type Filter”.
Columns Group
This group specifies what columns should appear in the outline list view. The Relation Window can be sorted by clicking on any column header.
Show file names
Shows the file name column.
Show line numbers
Shows the line number column. In most cases, the line number is where the given symbol is referred to.
Show code metrics
Shows the selected code metrics column. Only one code metrics column is allowed.
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