Symbol Reference Lookups

When a potential reference is encountered, Source Insight must verify that the symbol is declared somewhere. This section controls how Source Insight resolves references to symbols declared in the project, as it renders source code.

Search in the Project Symbol Path

Source Insight will search not only the current project for a declaration, but also all the projects in the Project Symbol Path.

Qualify references to members

If enabled, Source Insight will verify that the member declaration exists before formatting it with the “Ref to Member” styles.

If disabled, then Source Insight will format tokens with the “Ref to Member” style if the tokens look syntactically like a member reference. There is no guarantee that the member actually exists. For example:

PtrFoo->somemember  //  looks like a member reference
FooThing.somemember //  looks like a member reference

Qualify references to functions

If enabled, Source Insight will verify that the function declaration exists before formatting it with the “Ref to Function” or “Ref to Method” styles.

If disabled, then Source Insight will format tokens with the reference styles if the tokens look syntactically like a function call. There is no guarantee that the function actually exists. For example:

SomeFunction(x) // looks like a function reference