On the Source Insight command line, you can specify files following the options. Each file name may be optionally preceded by a plus sign (+) and a line number. If this is done, the file will be displayed with that line number visible.
For example:
insight3 +100 file.c
This will open FILE.C and position the file so that line 100 is visible.
In addition, each file name may be optionally preceded with a plus sign (+) only. In this case, the file is opened along with the other files in the current workspace.
For example:
insight3 +file.c
This will open FILE.C along with all the files in the current workspace.
If one or more files are specified on the command line without the plus sign prefix, then the files previously open in the current workspace are not opened. Instead, only the files specified on the command line are opened.
For example:
insight3 file.c other.c
This will open only FILE.C and OTHER.C. The previously opened files in the current workspace are not opened.
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