
Most binary operators are the same as in C. Operator precedence is the same as C. You can also use parentheses to group expressions.

Table 6.3: Operators



+ and -

add and subtract

* and /

multiply and divide


Invert or “Not”. E.g. !True equals False.

++i and i++

pre and post increment

--i and i--

pre and post decrement


logical OR operation


logical AND operation


logical NOT EQUAL operation


logical EQUAL operation


less than


greater than


less than or equal to


greater than or equal to


string concatenation


variable expansion. used inside of quoted strings to expand a variable in the string.

Since variables may contain non-numeric values, relational operators are treated thus:

Table 6.4: Relational Operators for Strings




strings must be equal (case sensitive)


strings must not be equal (case sensitive)


strings are converted to numbers and then compared. Empty strings or strings that are non-numeric result in a runtime error.