Language Options

This command activates the Languages page of the Preferences dialog box. It allows you to edit language-specific options, such as the language keyword list.

Source Insight supports two types of languages: Built-in and Custom. You can alter a few options for built-in languages. For custom languages, you can control all the parameters for a generic language.




This list contains all the installed languages. Custom Languages are marked with a red asterisk in the icon.

You associate a language with a particular file type with the File Type Options command. See: File Type Options.


Click this button to add a new custom language. See: Language Properties.


Click this to delete the selected custom language. Only custom languages can be deleted. The built-in lan­guages cannot be deleted.


Click this to import a custom language into the list from a custom language file. A custom language file (.CLF) contains all the properties of a single custom language.


Click this to export the selected custom language to a custom language file (.CLF). A custom language file contains all the properties of a single custom language. You can export a custom language so that other peo­ple can import the language into their Source Insight configurations.


Click this button to open the Language Properties dialog box. Use this to control custom languages proper­ties. See: Language Properties.


Click this button to edit the keyword list associated with the selected language type. The Language Keywords dialog box will appear.

File Types…

Opens the File Type Options dialog box.


Displays options that are specific to the selected language.    Not all languages have special options.

Conditional Parsing Options

Project Specific Conditions…

Click to edit the conditions defined that are specific to the current project only. These conditions are only in effect when the current project is open, and only for files that belong to the project.

Global Conditions…

Click to edit the global condition set. Global conditions are defined for all projects. The total set of conditions defined for any given project is a combination of both the project-specific, and the global condition sets. The project-specific conditions will override global conditions with the same name. See: Edit Condition.

Special Language Options

When you click the Special button in the Preferences: Languages dialog box, the Special Language Options dialog box appears. This dialog box controls special options for built-in languages.

C/C++ Options

Ignore namespace declarations

If enabled, then namespace declarations are simply ignored in C++ code. All symbols declared within the namespaces are considered at the file scope, as though you did not write the namespace declaration.

If not checked (the default), then symbols declared within namespaces are considered in the namespace scope.

Parse standard COM macros

If enabled, then the standard COM helper preprocessor macros, such as STDMETHOD, are recognized and parsed.   Note that if you already have entries for these macros in your c.tom token macro file, then this option has no effect.

Java Options

Ignore package declarations

If enabled, then package declarations in your Java files are ignored. Any symbols declared after the package statement are considered in the "global" package scope. That is, they are all in the same virtual package.

If not checked (the default), then any symbols declared after a package statement are considered in that package scope.

HTML and Scripts Options

Default script language

You can specify the default script language to use in HTML and ASP files with this control. The default script language is only used if another language is not specified in the script.