This is used to define and apply visual themes. A visual theme is a collection of font and color settings, plus style settings used in source code windows. From here you can apply a theme, define and delete themes, rename themes, and also import and export themes from external theme files.
Apply Theme
Applies the currently selected theme to the program. You can also double click the theme name to apply it. Note that once you apply it, the <Current Settings> items becomes <Previous Settings>. You can still apply the <Previous Settings> theme from the list to return to the settings that where in effect when you invoked this dialog box.
Defines a new theme by recording all the current color, font, and style settings. Once you set all the colors, fonts, and styles they way you like them, use the Visual Themes dialog to record all the settings into a new theme.
The Define Visual Theme dialog allows you to define a new theme, or redefine an existing theme. You can also specify what should be included in the theme.
Deletes the selected theme.
Renames the selected theme.
Imports themes from a previously saved themes file. A themes file can have any number of themes in it. Since theme files may contain multiple themes, the Import Theme dialog allows you to pick and choose which themes to import.
The new themes are added to the existing list. Themes with the same names will be replaced with the imported themes.
Exports the selected themes to a new themes file. You can use this to share themes with other people, or to load into a different configuration you have saved separately.
This appears when you click Define in the Manage Visual Themes dialog.
Once you set all the colors, fonts, and styles they way you like them, use the Visual Themes dialog to record all the settings into a new theme. Click the Define button and the Define Visual Theme dialog appears.
Save To
Select the theme you want to save to. You can select an existing theme to re-define it. Or select "New Theme" to define a new theme. If you select "New Theme" from the list, you will be prompted for a theme name.
Include In Theme
Select the components you that want to be part of the theme. When a theme is applied, only the components that are part of it have any effect. For example, you can include just the color of the main window, but not the styles. Or you can include only styles.