Typing Options

This command specifies typing and editing options. It activates the Typing page of the Preferences dialog box.





Source Editing Options

Per File Type...

Opens the File Type Options dialog, which contains more file-type-specific typing and editing options. The File Type Options for the current source file is automatically selected.

Highlight matching parentheses while typing

Source Insight will momentarily highlight up to the matching parentheses or brace when you type a closing parentheses or brace. This is useful for seeing that you are matching up your braces and parentheses while typing new source code.

Always use Symbol Windows

Source Insight will automatically attach a symbol window to each new window it opens, if the file is setup to be parsed for symbols in the File Type Options dialog box. Each file type can also control whether it uses a symbol window.

Keep cursor in window when paging up and down

If enabled, then the insertion point cursor will stay visible in the window as you page up and down. If dis­abled, then the insertion point will remain at its position in the text regardless of how you scroll.

Use block cursor shape

If enabled, then the insertion point cursor will be block shaped instead of an I-beam.

Use Smart Tab for field selections

Causes the regular Tab key to invoke the Smart Tab command. See Smart Tab.

Typing tab indents line, regardless of selection

If enabled, then typing a tab will indent the whole line. Also, the Back Tab command reverses the indent. If not enabled, then typing a tab inserts a tab stop.

Typing tab replaces current selection

If enabled, then inserting a tab will replace any selected text. For example, if you select a word, then type a tab, the tab replaces the word. If not enabled, then the tab is inserted just to the left of the selection. In any case, if one or more whole lines are selected, then the tab key indents the whole lines.

Indent commands effect #-preprocessor statements

If enabled, then the Indent Right and Indent Left commands will indent and outdent lines that start with C preprocessor statements, such as #ifdef. If this is not checked, then indenting has no effect on those lines.

Use intelligent paste

This modifies paste behavior in two ways when you are pasting whole lines of text:

You also can enable intelligent paste on a per-file type basis in the File Type Options dialog box. See: File Type Options.

Always select pasted text after pasting whole lines

If enabled, then when you paste whole-lines, they are selected after pasting.

After pasting, select:

This indicates where the selection should end up after using a paste command.

Auto Completion Options

This section customizes the way the auto completion feature works.

The auto completion window appears after you type a character. Its purpose is to reduce the number of char­acters you have to type by automatically providing a list of possible identifiers to insert. The symbols that appear in the completion window depend on the context, such as the cursor position, or the type of variable being referred to.

Use automatic symbol completion window

Enables the auto completion window. If this option is disabled, then you can still use auto completion by invoking it manually with the Complete Symbol command.

Use detailed completion window

The auto completion window shows details about functions, such as their parameter lists.

Insert parameters for functions

The parameter list for a function is inserted along with the name of the function. This only happens if there isn't a parenthesized list of parameters already to the right of the insertion point.

Insert spaces between parameters

A space character is inserted between function parameters. If not enabled, then parameters are inserted with no intervening spaces.

Insert space after function name

A space character is inserted after the function name and before the open parentheses.

Use completion window inside comments

Enables the auto completion feature while you are typing into a comment. If this option is disabled, then you can still use auto completion by invoking it manually with the Complete Symbol command.

Use case-sensitive matching

The auto completion window will list only symbol names that match the case as you have typed it. If this option is disabled, then all symbols that match your input, regardless of case, are listed. However, Source Insight will attempt to select the item that matches the case you typed.

Tab key selects item

If enabled, then pressing the Tab key while the completion window is showing will insert the selected item in the list. If this option is disabled, then a Tab key just inserts a tab. In any case, the Enter key can also be used to insert the selected item.

Propose snippets in auto-completion list

As you type, code snippet names will be proposed in the auto-completion list along with other possible sym­bol matches.

Browsing in Lists

This section customizes the way that auto completion works while typing in symbol and file lists.

Match name fragments while typing

Enables name fragment matching by default. If this option is disabled, you can still match name fragments by inserting a space character first, followed by your input.

Match members while typing

Class and struct members are matched according to your input. A full symbol name is like a path that starts with the symbol's top-most container. For example, a class member might be named MyClass.member. Enabling this option will allow you to just type "member". If disabled, then only full symbol names are matched. You can still use this feature, even if disabled, by prefixing your input with a dot ('.'), like this:
