Window Options

This command specifies options for handling and displaying source file windows.



Window Positioning

Reuse window position for new windows

If enabled, Source Insight will position new windows exactly at the same location as the current window. The new window will cover the old window.

If not enabled, Source Insight will cascade new windows down the screen in the conventional Windows way.

Maximize new windows

If enabled, then Source Insight will automatically maximize newly opened windows. If not enabled, then Source Insight will open the windows according to the option above.

Window Display

Horizontal scroll bars for each new window

If enabled, then each new source file window created will get a horizontal scroll bar.

Vertical scroll bars for each new window

If enabled, then each new source file window created will get a vertical scroll bar.

Show line revision marks in left margin

If enabled, then Source Insight displays a highlight in the left margin selection bar area next to each line that has been edited, or where lines have been deleted since the file was saved or opened. This makes it easy to see what lines you have edited. The Go To Next Change and Go To Previous Change commands (ALT+Keypad + and ALT+Keypad -) will jump forward and backward through the changes in the current file.

Show current-line indicator

If enabled, then a horizontal indicator highlight is drawn at the line that contains the cursor position. The indicator is not drawn if you select more than one line.

Show bookmarks in left margin

If enabled, then Source Insight displays a bookmark icon in the left margin selection bar area next to each line that has a mark added with the Bookmarks command.

Smooth scrolling windows

If enabled, then windows will scroll more smoothly, instead of jumping one line at a time. Smooth scrolling only takes place if you are not scrolling continuously, but rather one or two lines at a time. If you start editing or scrolling quickly then smooth scrolling speeds up too. If not enabled, then windows scroll one whole line at a time.

Accelerate smooth scrolling when paging quickly

If enabled, then the smooth window scrolling will not happen if you page up or down quickly.

Text Scaling (%)

Select the percentage of over-all text scaling used in source windows. A scaling of 100% means 'No Scaling'. Each source window has its own scaling factor. Selecting a scaling factor here applies it to all source file win­dows, and any new windows that open.

Sort Window Menu

Select the order in which file names appear on the Window menu in the main menu bar.

Outlining Options

Outline options relate to collapsible code blocks.

Show outlining

If enabled, then all source windows will show outline buttons for collapsing and expanding all the time. If this is not selected, the outline buttons and markings only show if you used one of the outlining commands to collapse a section.

Include code blocks inside functions

If enabled, the code blocks inside functions, such as for and while statements, will get outline buttons. Oth­erwise only function and class level items will display outline buttons.

Show potential collapse points when hovering with the mouse

If the outline handles are hidden, then they will appear when the mouse overs over the area just to the left of a statement that can be collapsed. This option only applies if the above option is not checked.

Show code block nesting lines

If enabled, then nesting lines are drawn by code blocks to make it easier to see the nesting of blocks. You can enable this option independently of showing outlining. That is, you can show nesting lines without having outline buttons appearing.

Outlining Position:

Controls whether the outline buttons appear at the far left, or indented along with the source code.