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Source Insight 4 - Latest Version

Version 4.0.0139 - June 26, 2024

This requires a valid version 4.x license, OR you can run this in Trial mode for up to 30 days.

Fix: Screen resolution changes could cause the panel layout to get corrupted.

Fix: Several bugs fixes and improvements to the window panel docking and layout system.

Fix: Crash in C++ template type resolution could happen on particular source files. The crash could happen just scrolling through a file, or if the Relation window updated.

Fix: Window menu numeric shortcut keys were not consistent.

Fix: Relation Window Graph: Copy to Clipboard was not copying the whole graph background color if the whole graph was not visible in the window.

Fix: ANSI C: Removed some incorrect keywords and updated syntax keywords lists. It could cause some incorrect symbol parsing.

Change: Long project paths on the Project > Recent Projects menu are now displayed in a format with the project name first, followed by the path.

Change: Context Window: added Line Numbers menu item to right-click context menu.

Change: Context Window: Can now show outlining controls for code collapsing. You can enable or disable this by right-clicking on the Context Window and toggling the Show Outlining menu item.

Change: You can prevent a floating window from docking while dragging it by holding its position for a couple seconds before releasing the mouse button. Also, as before, you can prevent it from docking by holding the CTRL key down.